Wednesday, July 6, 2011

An Innovative Solution For the Current Economic Crisis

The nature of the current economic crisis is such that it cannot be resolved with the standard array of tools at the disposal of the President.  What's required is a sustainable, renewable solution, one that transcends the immediate financial crisis and actively - proactively - deals with the new paradigm of economics we are now dealing with.
The Prosperity Mandate offers a brilliant proposal that is both inspiring and doable.  The centerpiece of this financial paradigm is to convert net worth (not Government funding) into liquidity, which then funds the economy.  What this means is that is that over a trillion dollars can be infused into the banking system as a sophisticated investment without a single dollar of direct government funding.  Thus, the current economic crisis is resolved with a sustainable recovery plan and renewable funding mechanism - not through government bailout - with massive job creating capital investment in ideas whose time has come.
In essence, net worth is transformed into liquidity in the following manner:  Tax credits are issued to investors for cash deposited into CDs, which are then pledged as collateral on Fund America programs.  These CDs earn tax-free interest.  The U.S. government will guarantee the CD against bank default on the principal.  The CD guarantees generate loans invested in the new economy, creating jobs, developing infrastructure, fostering urban renewal, developing Green energy manufacturing, and funding ecological technologies.
Each loan has a PayBack scenario to pay off and release the collateral CDs.  The government does not foot the bill, but rather, provides the incentives for investors to do so.  Every time a collateral pledge is released through cash pay back or permanent financing, the CDs can be renewed, and the pattern begins again.  This recovery plan requires oversight, risk management, and transparent real time accounting, as well as banking, reporting, regulation, and review.
Imagine, as an example that the parents of newlyweds want to empower their children to lead self-reliant lives.  After figuring out how much of a mortgage the newlyweds can afford to pay based on their incomes, the two families go to the bank, deposit CDs, and pledge them as collateral to secure a loan for lot acquisition and home construction.  As time passes, a new home is built and a new mortgage is funded, which pays off the loans and releases the security pledges.  The families did not give anything away - they merely facilitated a wealth-building process by converting their net worth into liquidity for the sake of economic growth.
The Fund America Trillion Dollar stimulus plan is entirely doable, friendly to both big business and the newly unemployed, ecologically sustainable, and ready to be implemented for a full economic recovery that ushers in a new paradigm of cultural interdependence.  Citizens be encouraged!   Reach out to your Congressperson and Senator to ask for support for the The Prosperity Mandate Fund America Tax Initiative.  Create a Job -- Get a Tax Break!   Invest in America - Pay less tax!  We are in a period of great transformation, and now is the time to implement a truly sustainable economic and renewable solution for the current economic crisis.
N. Katz is the founder and visionary of The Prosperity Mandate organization. Previous highlights of his professional career include being an entrepreneur who has started, funded, and advised companies from dinner napkin to Fortune 100 companies. He has taken start ups public through Initial Public Offering, served in the Executive suite of two public companies and on the Board of Directors of several companies. Mr. Katz completed the Executive Program in Management at the John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management at the University of California Los Angeles.
When asked how does he continually think outside of "The Box", Mr. Katz replies somewhat perplexed..."What Box?"! He explains, "Most people look at a problem, then at the tools and resources at their disposal, and then try to create a road map from where they are to where they want to go using those tools. I start with the end result and always work to find one logical step back from there until I arrive at the present. It is just a more liberating way of finding solutions." His Prosperity Mandate is an innovative solution to the current economic crisis that is a brilliant example of his out of the box thinking.
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